Dental Papers
Xylitol and dental caries: an overview for clinicians.
Lynch H, Milgrom P..
Mar 31, 2003 A prospective trial in Finland has demonstrated that children of mothers treated with Xylitol had lower levels of S. mutans (bacteria) than children of mothers treated with chlorhexidine or fluoride varnish. -
Xylitol for caries prevention.
Peldyak J, Makinen KK.
Oct 01, 2002 "The appealing sensory and functional properties of Xylitol facilitate a wide arrary of applications that promote oral health." -
The optimum time to initiate habitual Xylitol gum-chewing for obtaining long-term caries prevention.
Hujoel PP, Makinen KK, Bennett CA, Isotupa KP, Isokangas PJ, Allen P, Makinen PL.
Mar 01, 2002 "Habitual Xylitol gum-chewing may have a long-term preventive effect by reducing the caries risk for several years after the habitual chewing has ended." -
The effect of non-cariogenic sweeteners on the prevention of dental caries: a review of the evidence.
Hayes C.
Jan 01, 2002 These studies observed the reduction of cavity rates among subjects using Xylitol and sorbitol as the sugar substitutes in chewing gum and toothpaste. The highest cavity reductions were observed in subjects using Xylitol. -
Remineralizing potential, antiplaque and antigingivitis effects of Xylitol and sorbitol sweetened
chewing gum.Steinberg LM, Odusola F, Mandel ID..
Jan 01, 2002 "Chewing Xylitol and sorbitol gums reduced plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation. In addition, both gums enhanced the remineralization potential of plaque. Xylitol gum showed a superior effect with respect to remineralization potential and plaque reduction." -
Smart Habit Xylitol campaign, a new approach in oral health promotion.
Nordblad A, Suominen-Taipale L, Murtomaa H, Vartiainen E, Koskela K..
Jan 01, 2002 The aim of the campaign was to increase consumption of Xylitol chewing gum in 13-year-old school children, to promote their oral health. -
Effect of Xylitol chewing gum on salivary Streptococcus mutans in preschool children.
Autio JT.
Jan 01, 2002 "The shift from higher S. mutans (bacteria) scores to lower was greater in the Xylitol group than in the control group. This study supports the suggestion that chewing Xylitol gum may reduce S. mutan levels." -
Sugar substitutes, chewing gum and dental caries--a review.
Edgar WM..
Jan 01, 1998 Clinical trials indicate that Xylitol gum has a useful anticaries role, superior to the effects of sorbitol gum. In addition, Xylitol's antibacterial properties seem likely to lead to caries reductions superior to the more modest reductions with sorbitol gum. -
Effects of Xylitol, sorbitol and fluoride mouth rinses on glucose clearance in adolescents.
Calamari SE, Azcurra AI, Luna Maldonado ER,.
Oct 01, 1997 "Since the sugars salivary clearance is part of a process intended to prevent dental caries, our results suggest that Xylitol adds antoher mechanism of action to its well known cariostatic and anticaries properties." -
Effects of frequent mouth rinses with palatinose and Xylitol on dental plaque.
Lingstrom P, Lundgren F, Birkhed D, Takazoe I, Frostell G..
Apr 01, 1997 "Regarding the plaque index, Xylitol gave lower scores compared to the other 3 periods." -
Timing of first restorations before, during, and after a preventive Xylitol trial.
Virtanen JI, Bloigu RS, Larmas MA..
Aug 01, 1996 This analysis indicated that participation of subjects in the Xylitol chewing gum trials resulted in a significant reduction in the number of first restorations and hence in costs during the decade after the onset of gum use. -
Chewing of Xylitol gum--a well adopted practice among Finnish adolescents.
Honkala E, Rimpela A, Karvonen S, Rimpela M.
Jan 01, 1996 "The increase in use of Xylitol chewing gum is an example of the positive effect of health education given by a comprehensive, preventively oriented system of dental health care in association with commercial interests." -
Xylitol chewing gums and caries rates: a 40-month cohort study.
Makinen KK, Bennett CA, Hujoel PP, Isokangas PJ, Isotupa KP, Pape HR Jr, Makinen PL..
Dec 01, 1995 "The four Xylitol gums were most effective in reducing caries rates, the most effective agent being a 100% Xylitol pellet gum. This gum was superior to any other gum." -
Chewing gum and dental health. Literature review.
Toors FA.
Jan 01, 1992 "Prolonged use of Xylitol or Xylitol containing chewing gum reduces Streptococcus mutans counts in plaque and saliva, at the same time fostering remineralization of early caries lesions. Regular use of Xylitol reduces the acidogenic potential of the plaque as well as its adhesiveness, at the same time increasing its mineral content."
Dental Benefits of Xylitol
Xylitol - Medical & Dental Overview
Dr John Peldyak References
Xylitol & Caries Prevention - is it a magic bullet
Xylitol For Kids Brochure
History, Safety and Dental Properties of Xylitol
Xylitol - A Natural Approach to Caries Prevention
The Health Benefits Of Xylitol