3 Tips for Beating Sugar Addiction

sugar addictionWe’ve all followed the orders given by our sweet tooth. No matter what we tell ourselves before we enter the supermarket, we end up coming out with things we said we wouldn’t buy. If this is the case for you, don’t worry… Beating sugar addiction is by no means an easy task – but these tips should help.

Tip #1: Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is not just key to living a healthy life, it’s also one of the most important steps in kicking your sugar addiction. When you’re tired, you’re particularly vulnerable to sugar cravings – which explains those late night dashes to the pantry for some choc chip cookies. If you haven’t slept enough, and you are suddenly reaching for chocolate to stay awake, drink some water and take a 10-minute power nap instead. Not only will you wake up feeling refreshed, you will also wake up no longer craving sugar!

Tip #2: Exercise

Cutting sugar will be a lot easier if you’re able to make exercise a regular part of your life. This is because exercise increases your desire for more substantial meals, and the more satisfied you are after a meal, the less likely you are to wander through the pantry looking for something sweet. Even if you do, you won’t eat as much as you used to, and the sugar you do eat will be metabolized much more effectively. Another thing about exercise is that it increases your general energy levels and improves your mood (thanks to the endorphins). Those that are driven toward sweets as a pick-me-up will find that they simply do not need to do so anymore.

Tip #3: Start Finding Ways to Make Fruit Interesting!

Fruit is sweet and high in fructose, but because it is nutritious and high in fiber, it is not considered toxic or bad for you the way sugar is. Of course, fruit by itself doesn’t always look enticing, especially for someone craving a treat. But instead of avoiding them all together, try to find ways to make fruit more interesting by combining it with yoghurt, peanut butter, nuts or dark chocolate chips. Finding easy, healthy snacks are critical: if the only healthy alternatives you know take five plus minutes to make, you simply won’t eat them. Do you have a sweet tooth? Naturally Sweet Stevia and Naturally Sweet Xylitol are both natural sugar replacements that are high in taste yet low in calories. Add them to hot drinks, baked goods and more!