No one size fits all approach to calorie restriction: study

A recent study by researchers in the United States suggests that there is no such thing as a 'one size fits all approach' to calorie counting. Scientists from the National Institute of Aging (NIA) have just finished a 23 year long study of rhesus monkeys, using these animals to try and establish whether or not calorie restriction extends life expectancy. According to their results, it does not make you live longer but it does have some other health benefits, including a reduced risk of developing cancer. NIA director Richard Hodes said that these findings provide a good basis for further investigation. He also noted that they point towards calorie restriction as being a complex process, and one that is dependent on a number of unique factors. "These results suggest the complexity of how calorie restriction may work in the body," he said in a statement issued August 29. "Calorie restriction's effects likely depend on a variety of factors, including environment, nutritional components and genetics." This study serves as a reminder that everybody is built differently, and therefore has individual needs and requirements when it comes to getting nutrition and losing weight. Calorie restriction is often viewed as one of the only ways to make significant progress with weight loss, but you may want to speak to a nutritionist or medical professional before you alter your diet to ensure you are on the right track. They can take into account factors other than weight, looking at your family history, your dietary requirements and any other health conditions that may be present. What works for one person may be damaging to another - there is no one size fits all approach to health. If you are looking to lower your calorie intake, however, then Stevia may help you on your weight loss journey. Stevia extract is often called a 'healthy sugar' because it is sweet in taste, high in flavour, yet low in calories.