Top healthy foods

When it comes to selecting healthy foods, there are all sorts of criteria that need to be considered. You need to think about whether the food is low in calories, fat and artificial flavours and colourings - and that's only the start! You will also want foods that aren't too complicated to prepare or even get hold of in the first place. Here are some ideas of the healthiest foods around. They might not tick all the boxes, but they're pretty close!


Nuts are great to eat in moderation - and almonds in particular. They are high in fibre, magnesium and calcium, while also providing a great natural source of vitamin E. Nuts tend to be high in fat, but the good thing is that most of it in almonds is monosaturated, which can have a positive effect on blood cholesterol.


If you want to increase the amount of fruit in your diet then you can't go far wrong with apples. They are high in antioxidants that help to keep your body healthy and are even believed to slow down the aging process. Studies have shown that regularly eating apples can help combat serious health problems such as heart disease.


If your diet could do with a boost of fibre, potassium and calcium then look no further than broccoli. These are all qualities that can help reduce the chances of suffering from diabetes and even some cancers.


Most types of fish are good for you in one way or another - providing they haven't been battered and fried, that is! Salmon is rich in vitamin D and is a great source of omega-3. Evidence suggests that omega-3 even helps people feel fuller for longer, so you won't be snacking throughout the day. Watching your weight? Use a natural sugar replacement! Naturally Sweet Stevia and Naturally Sweet Xylitol are both high in flavour yet low in calories, making them a great healthy choice.