Women 'unaffected' by chocolate health warnings
Naturally Sweet Products
Chocolate is one of life's great indulgences, even though it is considered to be one of the unhealthiest snacks around. Experts often warn both men and women alike to make sure they don't eat too much of it during their everyday lives - but are they taking any notice? If research from the University of Western Australia and the University of Strathclyde in Scotland is anything to go by, women are simply not taking heed of these warnings. Experts found that women who are not on a diet had a strong impulse to eat chocolate, even when faced with strong health warnings, AAP sources reveal. These included facts linking chocolate to obesity, none of which could settle the urge for chocolate. The same was said for women who were dieting. When confronted with pictures of slim models, those involved in the study still showed a strong desire to eat confectionary. However, they did also show some feelings of guilt and some females wanted to avoid consumption entirely. Lead author Professor Kevin Durkin said: "Reactance could be more marked among the low-restraint participants because they are generally less preoccupied with regulating their food intake and thus find external attempts to intervene in freely determined behaviour more jarring." Of course, there are other ways to satisfy your sweet tooth. Using a healthy sugar is a great way to make sure you are keeping on top of those cravings without putting your wellbeing at risk. Naturally Sweet Stevia, for example, is available as a blend, sachets or tablets, all of which have virtually no calories and zero GI and carbohydrates. Chocolate contains hundreds of calories that can put your health at risk if eaten on a regular basis - and this is as true for men as it is for women!